Third: Authorities of the Board of Directors


Article 38

The board shall have the authorities to run the affairs of the Association, and it shall specifically have the responsibility to:
1. Appoint the chairman, his deputy, treasurer and secretary and determine the authorities of each.
2. Prepare the internal regulations of the Association to be submitted to the general assembly.
3. Form committees which the board finds necessary for proper running of business, and determine the responsibilities of each.
4. Employment of personnel required for the work of the Association.
5. Make studies to determine the services and productive projects required for the achievement of the purposes of the Association.
6. Making exhibitions, concerts, charitable markets, sports games, campaigns for the collection of the permitted donations and other activities required for the support of the financial resources of the Association.
7. Approve the contracts and agreements concluded by the Association.
8. The Board determines the permanent cash advance necessary for ordinary daily expenses.
9. Prepare the final accounts of the ending fiscal year, the draft of the new budget and the annual report including a statement on the activities of the Association, its financial status and the new projects that it decides to do in the following year.
10. Invitation of the general assembly and the enforcement of its decisions.
11. Review of the Audit’s report, prepare the comments on the remarks raised therein and present it to the general assembly.
12. Discuss the remarks raised by the relevant administrative authority, prepare the comments and work on eliminating them if it included a violation of the law, its executive regulation and the articles of statute of the Association.

Article 39

The Board of Directors may delegate an executive committee, comprised of the President or his deputy, the treasurer and a secretary elected by the Board and drawn from its members, in one or all of its responsibilities. The members of this executive committee should not be more than five. Meetings of the committee shall be valid if attended by five members. The committee shall at least convene once every (month), to review the conditions of the Association. Its meeting is valid if attended by at least three members. The decisions of the committee should be recorded in a special register which would be reviewed by the Board regularly.
The executive committee shall be responsible for the following:
1. Ratification of financial disbursements within the limits set by the Board.
2. Ratification of employees and workers selections, appointment and sanctions in accordance with the decisions of the Board and this statute.
3. Ratification of annual inventory reports.
4. Approval of disbursement from the permanent cash advance according to needs and conditions of business.
5. Study the executive policy of projects, new suggestions, and the draft budget before its presentation to the Board.
6. Ratify the other committees’ decisions before its presentation to the Board.
7. Submit the resolutions of the committee to the board for ratification, which its delegation decree requires its submission thereto.
8. Take the required decisions in all the matters delegated by the board.

Article 40

The Chairman of board shall be responsible for:
1. Preside and invite for the meetings of the general assembly, board of directors and the internal committees that he attends.
2. Represent the Association before all the administrative and judicial authorities and act on his behalf.
3. Approving the agenda of the board and supervising the execution of its decisions.
4. Sign on behalf of the Association on all contracts and agreements approved by the board, and to consider the cases that require the approval of the general assembly.
5. Sign, with the secretary, the minutes of meetings, administrative decisions and matters concerning employees and personnel.
6. Sign with the treasurer on all checks and securities.
7. Act on urgent matters submitted by the secretary which could not be postponed until the next meeting of the executive committee or the Board, provided that these matters and its relevant decisions be submitted to the first following Board meeting.
In the absence of the president, his deputy or whoever is appointed by the board to act on his behalf shall do his duties, assuming all the rights and responsibilities, of the president.

Article 41

The Secretary shall be responsible for the following:
1. Prepare the agenda of for the Board, invite the members, act as secretary to the meetings, prepare the minutes and decisions and recording them in special registers and presenting them to the Board in the next meeting for adoption.
2. Prepare a list of the names, and addresses of members of the Association.
3. Holding registers of the minutes of meetings of the Board and the General Assembly, and signing them with the president.
4. Work towards execution of the decision of the Board of Directors.
5. Preparation of the annual report on the activities of the Association and presenting it to the Board after review by the executive committee.
6. Preparation of the agenda for the General Assembly meetings and acting that such is invited in accordance with the provisions of the law, and also preparation of the agenda of extraordinary meetings.
7. Informing the relevant administrative authority and union with the resolutions of the board or the general assembly in accordance with the provisions of the executive regulation.
8. Execution of the assembly’s obligations concerning the election of the board membership.
9. Supervision of all administrative work and safe keeping of all Association papers and records in its real seat.
10. Review of all incoming communications of the Association and presenting them to the Board of Directors, the executive committee or the President according to the specific responsibilities of each.
11. Investigating the remarks of the Central Authority of Accounting, the relevant administrative authorities with regards to administrative and social matters, drafting comments in preparedness for presentation of the whole matter to the executive committee and the Board of Directors, to send answers to these authorities within one month of the date of receipt of communication.
12. Other authorities as assigned by the board of directors.

Article 42

The Treasurer is responsible for the following:
The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the Association according to the regulations set by the audit and approved by the board. He is mainly responsible for:
1. General supervision of the resources and expenditure of the Association, control of issue of receipts for all received income, their receipt and regular deposit in the bank (or savings account), prompt registration of all income and expenditure in their special registers or supervision thereof. The Treasurer is responsible for financial and stores affairs and their supervision, and he should present his memoranda and remarks to the board.
2. Supervision of the annual stores inventory and presenting a report on the results and findings to the executive committee and to the board.
3. Approve the disbursement of all funds which disbursement was made in accordance with the law, while keeping receipts confirming proper management, or supervision thereof and keeping of documents.
4. Review of the Association’s financial records and documents before and after disbursement, their ratification and filing.
5. Execution of decisions of the Board of Directors and the executive committee concerning financial matters provided that it confirms with the budget items.
6. Right of First Signature with the President or whoever acts on his behalf on cash vouchers and checks.
7. Approving disbursement of temporary cash advance, within the limits set by the board, for expenditures of urgent and necessary matters which could not wait for presentation to the board, provide that it is ratified in the first following meeting.
8. Preparing the accounts of income and expenditure and the general balance sheet in preparedness for its review by the Audit to draft his final report and submit it to the board.
9. Participate with the secretary in preparing the draft budget for the following year and its presentation to the board. It shall submit the draft to the competent administrative authority at least fifteen days prior to submitting it to the general assembly.
10. Study of remarks raised by the Authority of Accounting and the administrative authorities concerned with the financial matters and prepare the response thereto in order to present the whole matter to the board to respond to these authorities within a month from the date of notification.

Article 43


If the total annual revenue or expenditures of the Association exceeds EGP 20,000 it shall appoint an accountant from those listed in the accountants schedule.
The controller will have the following duties:
1- Review of Association books, registers and documents at any time, while having the right to request for information and clarifications that he sees necessary for the performance of his duties. He shall also determine the balance and commitment of the Association, and the Board of Directors should enable him obtain the foregoing.
2- In the case where the audit was not enabled to do his duty, he shall record this in a registered report to be submitted to the board to take the required procedures to enable him thereof. If the board did not take the required procedures to facilitate his duty, the controller shall inform the administrative authority with a copy of the report.
The Board of Directors shall, in all cases, present the report of the audit and the relevant board’s action to the General Assembly
The audit may inform the competent administrative authority with the request to convene an extraordinary assembly meeting if he was not able to fulfill his duties, to present the matter before it to decide accordingly.
3- The audit should establish the financial regulations which will guarantee good conduct of business.
4- To supervise the inventory of the safe and accounts of loans at the end of the fiscal year of the Association, and to submit a report on the results to the boar
5- Submit a report on the final accounts and the balance sheet to the board at least one month before the date of the meeting of the General Assembly, including his remarks on the final accounts and balance sheet. He may also attend the meeting of the General Assembly, read his report on the business of the Association and state his opinion in all what concerns his work as an audit.
6- If the accountant is in default in any of his obligations, the board shall have the right to invite for an ordinary general meeting and attach the report of the board to the invitation to discuss it and take the appropriate decision therein.


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