Article 21

The General Assembly meeting is held by a registered letter with acknowledge receipt sent to each of its members who has the right to attend, or to deliver it personally against his signature for receipt. This invitation shall include the place of the meeting,
date and agenda. This invitation shall be sent from any of:

a) The Chairman of Board.
b) Whoever is delegated by one quarter of the members who have the right to attend the General Assembly.
c) Whoever is delegated in accordance with article (40) of the law.
d) The administrative authority if it decided that there is a necessity thereto.

Article 22


The general assembly shall convene in the administrative center of the Association, it may also convene in another venue within the same governorate indicated in the letter of invitation.

A copy of the documents submitted to the general assembly shall be sent to the competent administrative authority and union at least fifteen days prior to the date of meeting.

This union may delegate a representative to attend the meeting.

The assembly may discuss any matter outside the agenda, with the approval of the absolute majority of the members of the General Assembly.

Article 23


The General Assembly should be invited to an ordinary meeting at least once a year during the four months following the end of the fiscal year of the Association, to look into:
1. The balance sheet and final statement.
2. The board’s report about the activities of the year and the audit’s report.
3. The suggested budget of the following year.
4. To appoint and elect new members to the Board instead of those whose membership lapsed.
5. The appointment of the audit and the determination of his fees.
6. Otherwise inserted by the board in the agenda.
    The general assembly may be invited to an ordinary meeting, whenever there is a necessity.

Article 24


The General Assembly should be invited to an extra ordinary meeting to decide on

1. The amendment of the articles of the statute of the Association.
2. The liquidation of the Association and the appointment of a liquidator or more, the determination of the liquidation duration and the fees of the liquidator.
3. The merge of the Association in another or in an Association of public interest.
4. To approve the application of the characteristics of the public interest on the Association.
5. To dismiss all or some of the board members.
6. It may decide on any other issue by the approval of the absolute majority of the present members.

Article 25


The meeting of the General Assembly is only valid by the presence of the absolute majority of the members. If the quorum is not achieved, the meeting is adjourned to another meeting to be held within at least one hour and a maximum of fifteen days after the time of the first meeting which is one hour. The meeting as such is valid if attended by at least ten percent of the members (without POA or delegations), or twenty members - whichever is less – provided that in the first case the number of members attending the meeting shall not be less than five members.
Article 26      

A member of the General Assembly may delegate another member in writing to attend the meeting in accordance with the following:

1. The delegation shall be made by an official POA.

2. The delegation shall be valid by a POA signed by both the principal and the agent, signed from the one responsible for the invitation of the general assembly and sealed by the Association’s seal, before the date of the meeting by 1 day.

A member may not represent more than one member.
Article 27

The member of the general assembly shall not participate in voting if he has a personal interest in the decision, except for the election of the bodies of the Association.

Article 28


1. Decisions of the General Assembly are issued by the absolute majority votes (half +1) of the members attending the meeting.
2. Decisions of the extraordinary General Assembly are issued by the absolute majority votes of the regular members.              This percentage shall be increased to (75%) in the decisions issued in the following matters:
• The amendment of the articles of the statute of the Association.
• The liquidation of the Association or dropping all members or a member of the Board.

Article 29

Decisions of the General Assembly should be recorded in the register of the minutes of the general meetings, and ratified by the signatures or stamps of the president and the secretary.


Second: The Board of Directors


Article 30


1.Comprised of 13 (odd number) elected by the General Assembly.
2.The founders shall appoint the first board for duration of maximum 3 years.
3.The duration of the membership of board is a cycle of six years. The election of third the members of board whose membership has elapsed shall be renewed every two years by ballot. Upon finishing the cycle of the board after six years, it shall invite the general assembly to elect new members of the whole board.
4. The Board elects in its first meeting after its formation the (President, his deputy, secretary or trustee and treasurer).
5. The percentage of Egyptian members shall at least be the same as of the foreign members, in the case there are foreign members.


Article 31


Members of the Board should be enjoying their civil rights. In addition they shall fulfill the following conditions:

1. With a college degree or equivalent.
2. With a reasonable aware with the Association’s activity and fields of work and having experience.
3. Being a representative of any of the categories undertaking an activity related to the that of the Association (lawyers – commercials - industrialists) on condition neither a firm, company, plant or an establishment shall not be represented by more than a member in the Board.



Article 32


The board of directors shall, on the day following the closure of the election, put the list of the candidates for the board’s membership in a clear and noticeable place and inform the administrative authority with the list within the following three days and before the election by sixty days at least.


Article 33


The board member shall not have a paid for work with the Association.

The member shall be reimbursed for the actual costs paid for performing work for the assembly, as the transportation cost.

The board member shall not participate in voting for the decision of granting him remuneration in the above mentioned case.


Article 34


The board is responsible for making the required policies for the administration of the Association’s affairs, and he shall have all the authorities in this regard, except those requiring the approval of the general assembly, (for example: selling the belongings of the Association, its mortgage, arranging in kind rights or else on them) or making them guarantee for loans.

The board shall have a president to represent it before the court and third parties.

Article 35

The board shall convene at least once every three months, and is valid only by the presence of the majority of its members

The resolutions of the board shall be issued with the approval of the absolute majority of the attendance, or 51%. If the votes are equal, then the side including the president’s vote shall be approved.

Article 36


If a position of the Board becomes vacant in the period between two General Assembly meetings, the Board may delegate those who obtained the highest votes in the last elections made by the General Assembly and following the elected members to fill the vacant places. The delegated members continue to fill their posts until the meeting of the General Assembly is held following the election of the board.

Article 37

The Board may appoint a Manager for the Association from its members or otherwise. The appointment resolution shall determine the required administrative works and the consideration thereof.      
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